An open letter to foreign nationals in Gansu

Updated: October 28, 2021Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Gansu Province

As the COVID-19 virus has continued to spread globally, healthcare workers in several provinces and cities nationwide including Gansu have recently reported a number of newly confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections. Currently, we are taking swift and decisive actions to curb the spread of the virus. All of our approaches are science-based, and we need every resident in our province to cooperate with us. Foreign nationals have always been important members of our community, and we have always prioritized their health and safety. We now urge you to take the following actions:

First, support our control and prevention policies. If you have passed by Ejin Banner of Inner Mongolia, Jiayuguan City, Zhangye City or Jinta County of Jiuquan City since October 9 (including), or you have had contact with confirmed cases or asymptomatic infections, or your health QR code is red or yellow, please report to your community, workplace or hotel as soon as possible, and take nucleic acid test as required. If you are approached by government employees, community organizers, or healthcare workers, please, support them by answering their questions. Our control and prevention professionals might also need to clean and disinfect any contaminated surfaces touched by people who test positive. We urge you to suspend non-essential group activities. Be cautious when you invite guests to your private residence, in order to minimize the risk of virus spread.

Second, arrange your tour schedule properly. Pay close attention to epidemic-related information and policies released by relevant authorities, keep abreast of the adjustment of medium and high-risk areas, and do not leave your place unless necessary. If you do need to travel to medium or high-risk areas, please report to your community (village) or workplace and get an approval in advance and pay attention to personal protection. After returning, report to your community (village), workplace or school and cooperate with them by taking nucleic acid test and health monitoring.

Third, strengthen health monitoring. Pay attention to your health condition. Once you have symptoms of fever, dry cough, fatigue, loss of smell and taste, stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, myalgia or diarrhea, please, go to one of the fever clinics or a designated medical institution and voluntarily offer the necessary information. Wear medical surgical masks all the way and try to avoid taking public transport when going to the hospital. Pay attention to your health QR code and digital travel records in Gansu. Immediately report to your community (village), workplace and school in case of a red or yellow health QR code or travel records, and cooperate with healthcare workers by taking nucleic acid test and being quarantined.

Fourth, stay safe by taking some simple precautions. Such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds, washing your hands and using serving chopsticks. Getting vaccinated is the most effective way to protect you from COVID-19. We recommend that you and your family get vaccinated to protect yourself and others, unless special circumstances prevent you from doing so. Please consult a healthcare provider to assess the risks.

Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Gansu Province

October 20, 2021

Copyright © Lanzhou City, Gansu Province.
All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.

Copyright © Lanzhou City, Gansu Province. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.